Limitless analysis.


In the clip low key lighting is used to create the feeling of danger. It reflects the dangerous situation and creates the mood. the man standing on the edge of the building is well dressed in a suit and has a high class apartment this suggests to the audience that her is a professional man.
The use of a tracking shot going up the skyscraper, shows and emphasises the height of the building, this helps builds up the tension in the film. There is also a few close ups of the mans face stood on the building, close ups usually  emphasise the emotion that character is feeling. In this case it allows the viewer to see the  determination in the characters face.
When the titles are shown at the start , you hear non diegetic banging noises. It's very effective because it intrigues the audience so they carry on watching to find out what the banging noise is. You hear a diegetic sound of a chainsaw when the unknown person is trying to get through the door. Here the audience understand that this person is distressed and is eager to get in.

The character is introduced by us finding out that he is the narrator and he is standing on the top of the tall flats building with a suit on. The location of a city is revealed when the camera moves out of the tall flats and we see the traffic on the busy roads. There is also the sound of car horns and we can see street lights and headlights.

One thriller convention use during the clip is the feeling of the unknown, we hear the banging noise at the start and it creates many questions in the audiences mind. Also we see a shot of some dead bodies on the floor in a room,so here the usual thriller convention of mysterious murder is used. This shocks the viewer as they wouldn't have expected ti see it .

This introduction to Limitless doesn't meet all of my expectations because when we finally see the character standing on top of the skyscraper I expected him to jump but he doesn't. Also I didn't expect it to start in the middle/end of the plot and for there to be dead bodies in the room .

Titles are used at the start of the extract when the banging is happening , the screen is black and we can see nothing at all.


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